Interruptions of Reality: Milo
A certain redundancy of everyday life is converted into accepting a period of isolation and struggle with the unexpected. Like any beginning that is full of challenges and sacrifices, this one is for me, even if it is a closed situation in which there is no thinking about any insane event, in which some other obstacles are created following the daily flow of thinking and functioning.
Photographs as a story of a period of life indoors, in a place, in a country, with people and myself. It reflects loneliness, the flow of thoughts, the struggle for survival in the sense of looking for a way out of depression, which does not ask if it can enter, but acts as if it has known you well for years.
Lifeline for someone is a speech line of some saving unification, rescue in given situations, but for me, it is a line of life. Which does not stop and never has a rest that could take and turn it to its advantage, not giving but not taking away but is presented as a book, letter, picture, photograph everything that leaves a trace behind.
Meno autora / Name:
Telefónne číslo / Phone number:
Web: https://mdajkovic995.wixsite.
Iná platforma / Other: https://
Katedra / Department: Fotografia a nové médiá
Ateliér / Studio: Ateliér Laboratórium fotografie
Ročník štúdia / Year of Study: 2.
Stupeň štúdia / Level of Study: Bc.
Vedúci pedagógovia / Lead teachers: prof. Mgr. Ing. Ľubo Stacho , Mgr. Lenka Lukačovičová