Superhrdina – Identita v limitoch spoločnosti: Juraj Olejár
Tento projekt som sa rozhodol zamerať skôr na cestu k superhrdinstvu, než na superhrdinstvo samotné.
Môj cieľ bol dosiahnuť pocit obmedzenia vlastným oblečením, ktoré nás núti neustále si uvedomovať samých seba a hlbšie skúmať naše reakcie na okolie a reakcie okolia na nás, a postupne z nás formovať superhrdinov vlastnej identity.
I decided that I want to tackle the path to being the superhero rather than a being of superhero itself because I feel there is much more to discover and learn.
At the end my goal was to design the type of clothes that is trying to restrain ourselves in some way, keeping us at our toes, examining our own feelings when we are suddenly not able to interact with an outside world in the most basic way, and seeing how are the surroundings instantly changed by what we wear, and helping us create our own identity.
Meno autora / Name:
Juraj Olejár
Katedra / Department: Katedra dizajnu
Ateliér / Studio: Ateliér experimentálneho dizajnu
Ročník štúdia / Year of Study: 2.
Stupeň štúdia / Level of Study: Bc.
Vedúci pedagógovia / Lead teachers: Sylvia Jokelová, Marián Laššák