Zveriť sa: Michaela Moravčíková
Zámerom bakalárskej práce je nadviazať a rozvinúť tému animálnej duše, inštinktov a zvieracej prirodzenosti. Stávanie sa zvieraťom sa deje skrz rituály známe prírodným národom. Pomocou koláži inscenujem vlastné situácie splynutia so zvieraťom formou dotykov, milovania sa, lovu. Pri nich nastáva rovnováha medzi človekom a jeho animou. Delokalizované figúry začleňujem do vystavaných priestorov. Vďaka tomu, sa mi centrum pozornosti odďaľuje a necháva dvojici šancu zažívať veci spoločne. K telu do protikladu staviam chladné fragmenty architektúry. Je to konfrontácia racionálna/poriadku/
The aim of the bachelor thesis is to continue and develop the topic of animal soul, instincts and animal nature. Becoming an animal happens through rituals known to natural nations. I use the collages to stage my own situations of merging with an animal in a form of touches, making love, hunt. There is a balance between man and his anima. I incorporate delocalized figures into the exhibited spaces. As a result, the center of attention moves away and leaves the couple a chance to experience things together. I contrast the body with cold fragments of architecture. It is a confrontation of rational / order / architecture (Logos) and disorder / chaos / corporeality (Eros). The character of the work carries elements of intuition, instinctive painting and femininity. The painting is light, warm, blown, carried by the material in the form of pigment, gelatin, water, thin oil. I keep the collage technique in digital form, in which I experiment with printing and post-production of prints, but at the same time I look for a way of transfer it into the canvas and subsequent combination with painting. Through figurative drawing and various painting approaches, I get to abstraction, where the topic itself becomes Me, my anima and my physical experience of the painting process.
Meno autora / Name:
Michaela Moravčíková
Email: michaela.moravcikova2@gmail.
Web: https://michaelamoravcikov.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/
Katedra / Department: maliarstvo
Ateliér / Studio: mal+by
Ročník štúdia / Year of Study: 1.
Stupeň štúdia / Level of Study: Bc.
Vedúci pedagógovia / Lead teachers: doc. Mgr. art. Klaudia Kosziba, ArtD.